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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

自己更换热水罐(water heater)的经历(不包括技术细节,无照片)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛论坛上很多人讨论热水罐问题,租还是买?租金?等等。其实这问题我也曾考虑了很久。

还是先做研究,各种review,论坛,发现water tank可靠性高,几乎不用维护修理。即使要修理,自己也能搞掂。还是买更好。

今年三月,决定换掉热水罐。当时房子五年半,我是两年半买入的。水罐公司是Direct Energy(下简称DE),月租25刀。也就是说热水罐年龄五年半。



1.提前一月通知Direct Energy,拿到所谓RA (removal authorization) number,才能动工。
2.如自己送还,在拿到RA number一月之内旧罐要还到指定地点,不收取费用。指定地点离你家超过32KM的,DE免费上门pickup。32Km以内的,DE上门则要收75刀。15年以上的旧罐子免费pickup。一月之内没有归还旧罐,RA作废,租金照样charge。

丈量了水罐的尺寸,各管口位置,相对距离等,容量50GAL,带power vent,品牌Rheem。在Home Depot发现一款很相似,GE,838刀加税。于是买下,用好哥们的SUV运回家。两人一起搬到地下室。翻了user's manual,生产商就是Rheem,贴了GE牌子而已。

隔日电告DE要disconnect,得到RA#,写下。又闻知指定归还地点,居然在NEW MARKET,心里一喜,It must be over 32Km, right? 电话那头:“No,no,it's 31.5km”。心里一沉,奸商!


还是好哥们帮忙一起把旧罐搬上来,在一个寒冷的早上,7点钟准时送达归还点,填了表,一式两份。卸下罐子,被告知,that's it。

归还点是个叫Noble的公司(Mon~Fri,6:30Am~4:00pm,正是大家的上班时间,周末不开!),做冷暖工程的,其实它在Markham有个点,DE偏要我送到New Market。



Water Heater Rental Agreement Terms & Conditions

The water heater you rent from us is backed fully by Direct Energy Home Services. Our commitment to you, our rental customer, is to provide a reliable, trouble-free water heater.
Our commitment includes:

Service and repair of the water heater with no service charges or parts replacement charges except in the following circumstances:
if you (or a third party not authorized by us) damage the water heater or if repairs are necessary because of use for which the water heater was not intended;
unless you are paying our hard water rental rate, if the water heater requires de-liming, flushing or other repair due to water conditions (we cover only diagnostic work in these situations, hard water conditions are as determined by Direct Energy);
where venting, piping, wiring, plumbing, and/or electric service requires cleaning, repair or replacement;
in the circumstances described below under “Customer Commitment” and under “Customer Advisory”; or
if you fail to notify us as described below under “Duty to Maintain”.

Our 24-hour-per-day, 7-days-per-week emergency phone number at 1-800-266-3939.

A rental arrangement that can be transferred to the next homeowner if you sell your home.

A buy-out option under which you may elect to purchase your water heater at any time, for a price discounted to take into account the age of the water heater. (See details below.)

A termination option allowing you to have your water heater removed. (See details below.)
Customer commitment
We will honour our commitment over the useful life of the water heater.††
In return, you agree that:

You will pay your rental charges when due, together with interest on any late payments at interest rates we may set, acting reasonably. Rental charges will generally commence on the day the water heater is installed.

Your rental charges will be included on your utility bill, or we may choose to bill you separately through our service provider. Methods of payment will be set out on the bill you receive.

We may change our rental rates from time to time by announcing rate changes in advance in bill inserts, by letter or by any other method permitted by law.
You will use your water heater safely and responsibly, and in particular you will:
ensure that no combustible, hazardous or flammable materials are used or stored in the same room or near the water heater;
ensure that the water heater is not confined in a location where it is difficult to service or remove or where there is inadequate ventilation;
ensure that the vents and openings are kept clear and clean and otherwise kept well maintained by you; and
provide us with access to the water heater whenever reasonably required for purposes of inspection, repair or removal.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the water heater is located in an area with sufficient drainage in the vicinity, and that the drainage is open and unrestricted, and we will therefore not be responsible for damage caused if the water heater leaks.

you to read your water heater Use & Care Manual to determine if the unit in your home is equipped with FVIR technology.Certain activities such as, without limitation, painting or using solvents could cause the FVIR technology to “lockout” the
water heater causing it to no longer function until reset by a qualified service technician. Resetting the water heater caused * Ontario regulation 212/01 Section 15

Except as permitted by your buy-out option and termination option under this agreement, you will not permit anyone who has not been authorized by us to service, repair, modify, move or disconnect the water heater.

You will be responsible for any damage to the water heater if caused by you or unauthorized third parties or by fire, flood, accident or other insurable risks.

During the term of this agreement the water heater remains our property, does not become a fixture and you will not tamper with any tag(s) or sticker(s) identifying the water heater as rented equipment.

If you sell your home, you will advise the purchaser that the water heater is rented pursuant to this
agreement. We will permit the purchaser to assume your rights and obligations under this agreement, effective from the date of sale, provided that (i) the purchaser is notified in the agreement of purchase and sale that the water heater is rented and is subject to these terms and conditions, and (ii) you advise us in advance of the purchaser’s name and the intended date of sale. We may also accept performance of your obligations (including payment obligations) from other parties (such as tenants) but will not be required to do so.

We may inquire about your credit history.

You agree that we may terminate this agreement and, in addition to any other remedies that we may have, we may remove the water heater if you fail to meet any of your commitments.

At the end of the useful life†† of your present water heater, you are not obligated to rent and we are not obligated to supply replacement equipment, unless we mutually agree at the time.
Customer Advisory
Your water heater may be equipped with flammable vapor ignition resistant (“FVIR”) technology. Direct Energy encourages by FVIR “lockout” is not covered by Direct Energy under the rental terms and conditions set forth herein and, if applicable, you will be charged for both parts and labour.
Duty to Maintain

As the user of the appliance you are required under law to ensure that the equipment is maintained in a safe operating condition.* In the event that a service or repair is required please call 1-800-266-3939.
Personal information about you
We collect and use personal information about you in order to establish and manage our business relationship with you. You authorize us to review information about your Direct Energy bill payments or, if you are billed by your gas utility, you authorize your gas utility to provide us with any charges and payment information. Other than to our authorized service providers, we won’t knowingly share this information with third parties without your permission, other than a party that we transfer or assign this agreement to.
Your privacy is important to us. As a current customer, we are committed to offering you more value in the future. So every once in a while we, or an authorized service provider, may mail or call you about other products and services that may be of interest to you. If you don’t want us, or an authorized service provider, to contact you about such products and services or if you would simply like more information about how we use personal information, please contact us using the information set out in the section “How to Contact Us”.
Your buy-out option

You may purchase your rental water heater at any time for the applicable age reduced price shown on the buy-out schedule on the reverse side of this brochure. You may exercise your buy-out option by notifying us in writing or by calling a Direct Energy Rental Specialist at (416) 495-3979 or toll free outside Toronto at 1-800-493-3034.

When you exercise your buy-out option, you accept the water heater in “as-is” condition, subject to the balance of any transferable manufacturer’s warranty, and you assume responsibility for the water heater and its repair and maintenance. You also agree to pay the buy-out price when invoiced by Direct Energy.

Once payment has been received for the buy-out price, this Agreement will end and you will have no further obligation to pay rent and we will have no further obligation to you.
Your termination option

You may terminate your rental and return your rental water heater to us at any time by notifying us in writing at the address set out in the section below entitled “How to Contact Us” or by calling a Direct Energy Rental Specialist at (416) 495-3979 or toll free outside Toronto at 1-800-493-3034. Depending on the circumstances, there may or may not be charges associated with this termination of your rental as provided for below.

If you terminate the rental during the useful life†† of your water heater and do not exercise your buy-out option, you agree to arrange for the safe return of the water heater to us. You have two alternatives:
you may call us and arrange for Direct Energy to disconnect and/or retrieve the water heater; or
you may have a qualified third party disconnect your rental water heater and then return it, along with the rating plate, safely to a designated Direct Energy location during return hours. (Call Direct Energy for the nearest location for returns.)

If you choose to disconnect and/or return the water heater yourself or through a third party, you do so at your own risk and you agree that you will accept responsibility for all damages or claims resulting from the
disconnection, removal and return of the water heater.

If you choose to have Direct Energy disconnect, remove or retrieve the rental water heater, in most cases there will be a $75.00 charge for these services. (There is no charge if you are more than 32km (20 miles) from a Direct Energy return location or if we fail to retrieve your water heater within two weeks of your request or your water heater has been rented for 15 years or more.)

Your rental (including your obligation to make rental payments for subsequent months) ends upon the return of the water heater in reasonable condition reflecting its age, normal use and local conditions. (If we fail to retrieve the water heater within two weeks of your request, we will not charge for subsequent months.)
Limitation on Liability
We are not liable for consequential, indirect or economic losses.
Entire Agreement
You understand that this Agreement contains all our commitments and promises in connection with your rental water heater
How to Contact Us
80 Allstate Parkway
Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3
Attention: “Rental Group”
†† Useful life of the rental water heater ends when Direct Energy or its Authorized service provider deems the rental water heater cannot be reasonably repaired (for instance, when there is a terminal failure of the internal lining of the tank).
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 自己更换热水罐(water heater)的经历(不包括技术细节,无照片)
    • 搭个车,想看照片的进此 -->
      • 忙起来就不想照相了。这一点还是果果做得好,凡事必照相。:)
        • :D 五年前做的了,后悔做的晚了,现在已经把tank的钱省回来了,已经开始赚钱了, 呵呵。 找不到任何理由要租热水器。
          • guo guo, help me change a tank ba. ( charge less installation fee) . someone bought condo they rent electric tank. if you have time pM me
            • Kindly reminder. Gas work is to be done by licenced technician except homeowner self. So if you want to hire gougou, please make sure homeowner will be the main labour to do the job.
              • 完全正确。拿自己家玩玩就罢了,万不敢出门接活儿。加拿大酿酒私酿自饮可以, 但是外卖就要抓起来了,何况动煤气隐患太大了。 我只是显摆,不鼓励效仿。
    • Can I know what is wrong with your 5.5 year old water heater?
      And do you know what is the buy-out cost in your case (i.e., if you buy the water heater from DE so there is not return nor pickup issue)? Thanks a lot. I want to do the same thing, too, that is why I am asking.
      • 一般来说,买下可能会比较贵。一般是租金和租期算buyout的。等租期满了再买下来,一般就不需要钱了。楼主这个退回去了,不知是否就算了
        • 研究过合约之后,发现并没有“租期”一说,任何时候都可以buyout。DE网站以时间划分为两类合约,时间是现时之前3年多。我的5年半,属于可退还也可买断一类。另一类合约我没看过。
          • 就是说,你的DE的水罐没有10年合约。你五年半退没有任何罚金。
            • 对。没有“n年合约”一说。任何时候都可以买断。Link里是DE最新的买断价格表。
              • 就是说,你必须买断他们(DE)的tank, 不能无罚金退回去然后去home depot买新的。
                • 对于新房是这样。刚才又查了DE网站,共有三种合约(增加了新房子的)。2010年9月15日前安装的热水器或房子在2010年建成的才可以退还(无费用)。其他两类只能买断。见链接。
      • It worked fine. Nothing wrong with it. Buy-out price was $1290 for one year old. Mine was about $978.
        • I see, and because you did the replacement yourself, you saved around $400 installation fee. So for people like me who can't do it, buy-out option seems not bad, am I right or I missed something? Thanks a lot.
          • I heard from someone working in Rona when I bought the tank saying that installation cost around 120$, not 400$.
          • Fairly thinking but installation should not be more than $200.
          • My quote is from Home Depot, seems HD is over priced ....
    • 奉劝大家还是找专业人员来搞比较好。几年前有家印巴人自己捣鼓暖气炉子,一不小心,咣一声,房子炸了
      • Or you can say if people don't know exactly what they are doing or are not comfortable on what they are going to do, they should have the job done by professionals. That's actually true for all DIY projects for homeowners.
        • Absolutely.
      • 还真是的,前几年有个人换灯泡也被电击死的。
        • 所以我不公布技术细节,免得少数糊涂胆大的模仿。就像楼上说的:people gotta know what exactly they are doing...
    • 谢谢你的分享!我正要找这个。
    • 为什么不结合太阳能热水系统综合利用呢
      • 冬天0度以下可以用太阳能吗? 室外管子里的水会结冰吧?
      • 太阳能热水系统省下的钱不够给政府注册费的。
    • 还是小心守法为好,没有Gas license动煤气系统是违反GAS法,被人举报,或将来若有事故,保险不赔,还摊上违法“大事”。
      热水炉,暖气炉问题,google "旧热水炉“ ,有很多有用的信息。