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Points taken for kitchen. I will squeeze in the size of the dining room. As I said, non of the windows are modeled. There will be huge windows in dining room. Stay tuned till next week.

书房 is very challenging.

1. I can either put it on front as I said before but then I squeeze in the living/dining room.
2. I can move the stairs to the right side, and put the Den behind the stairs, still it is not pretty.
3. I also tried bring den all the way out to the hallway and have doors open at the main hall way. Then the toilet become kind of a part of Den. But that means after I open the door of the Den, it's like entering into another hall way. I gave that idea also.

My priority is the three big rooms (living/dining/family) since I don't think I will use the Den much anyway.
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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 来来来,大家来砸砖头,看看我设计的房子。还在设计中,只完成了一楼,窗户迟点放上。给点意见。
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    • 我天天看房子的blueprint,倒是头一次见到把车子画的这么清晰可爱的。
      • 一台mini cooper,一台Q7。3D render出来和真的一样。可惜电脑太慢,full render一次这个plan花了我大半个小时,再也不敢了。
        • 不错。要是画图公司都能像你这么画,每天我看图纸的时候就会多了好多乐趣,不会那么枯燥无趣了,哈哈。
          • 客厅里再画俩肌肉帅哥。
            • 鸡肉帅哥放客厅太浪费了吧
              • 不满意就直说, 又是garage,又是后院的, 其实你就想放主卧。
                • 切~~~~~~~
    • hmm...门冲?
      • 是有点,所以就拐了一下。另一个option是把楼梯放车库后面,靠侧墙,但太占地方了,因为还是要保留这个hallway...
        • 玄关有些小,进门换衣服不方便,衣柜太远。
    • 我还是喜欢把powder room 放在角落边上。如果车库顶上不见房子就比较容易安排,就在里面进车库的边上。
    • 1. Recommend garage set back in further; 2. some rooms are not labeled. 3. is this 2-storey single family house? if so, assume this is 1st storey floor plan. 4) area/partitions around spiral stairs are too complicated.
      • #1, I can't unless I don't put a Den on the first floor. Actually if garage set back out further, the interior space is a lot easier to be arrange.
        #2, work in progress, haven't finished kitchen, put in furniture yet. 3. yes. 4. I will upload 3D model later, it's not bad.
        • 3D mode is the trend and it helps you to test conflicts. I can't remember the name of the 3D model, but i am sure you can find one for residential design.
          • 3D view
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        • also recommend other drawings as well to see how the house look. i assume the set will be about 15-20 sheets.
          • Yes Ma'am. I'm still learning. Plan to model the whole house including furniture in 3D. Only 1 week into my year long project.
            • won't take that long. check with association code too, if there are any. sometimes, they have some rules too such as garage set up how far, house style (patio vs non-patio, arch, columns at entrance, etc.. all kinds craps. ) good luck. it will be fun.
    • 猛一看,厨房有点儿小,工作台面好像不太够?
      • There will be a island. Space beside fridge will be tall carbinet... still need to work on Kitchen...
        • in my view, the rooms are unbalanced large, you may want to check out the styles. 空间小,但设计巧妙还是会很有张力效果的。
          • 还有避免外观太 BOXY。要有些错落的感觉。就这么多了,就是凭直觉瞎说。
            • Patient... I haven't even started to design exterior yet....
    • 我觉得吧你这少了一书房,另外呢我觉得车库最好和房子隔离开来。你这blueprint左,后很开阔,右边相比之下太密集了。换我的话,我会把前左作书房,前右作开放式LIVING room, 靠右接楼梯 撤掉DEN,右后放大,搞一面水族墙,外接一个花房。。。 
    • 楼梯的位置这么放不好.
    • 1. The kitchen is too widely open. An island or bar counter is needed; 2. The fridge is so isolated. Need to move adjacent counters; 3. The door between the kitchen and dining room is unnecessary; 4. The room appears too small for the curved stair.
      • H P T Y K
        • Sorry, but I don't understand Vietnamese.
      • 1. there will be an island. 2. between fridge and door will be wall cabinet and build-in oven + microwave. 3. Then when we finish cooking we need to bring all the way around, not practical.
        4. that is my concern as well. that's why I squeeze in the dining room to create some rooms. Otherwise very difficult since I'm already breaking the side setback bylaw. I can't widern the house more.
    • 1, Family room is 13*19? too narrow/long 2, bay window should be moved further close to FM so to make kitchen larger. 3, Fridge should be closer to Stove
      • 1: very good advice. I will try it out.. I think I really need to put in furniture to be able to tell whether the dimension is ok. Thanks!. 2. That's a breakfast area (quite big actually), not a bay window!
        3. between fridge and the door will be build-in stove and oven and wall cabinet.

        Still working on the kitchen.
    • 餐厅和书房太憋气了,厨房太小了。
      • 餐厅: why? 书房: I agree, but that's how most houses are like. You either put it right next to your front door then it makes your living room smaller, or you do it like this.
        厨房 should be viewed together with breakfast area. Then it is huge.

        Even stand alone 厨房 is 15 x 10. Bigger than most standard kitchen. Or I can push the dining room smaller to enlarge the kitchen but then I need to change the size of m carbinet to fit it...
        • 厨房的厨柜太少了吧?餐厅左右都是墙?进书房还要经过厕所?
          • Points taken for kitchen. I will squeeze in the size of the dining room. As I said, non of the windows are modeled. There will be huge windows in dining room. Stay tuned till next week.
            书房 is very challenging.

            1. I can either put it on front as I said before but then I squeeze in the living/dining room.
            2. I can move the stairs to the right side, and put the Den behind the stairs, still it is not pretty.
            3. I also tried bring den all the way out to the hallway and have doors open at the main hall way. Then the toilet become kind of a part of Den. But that means after I open the door of the Den, it's like entering into another hall way. I gave that idea also.

            My priority is the three big rooms (living/dining/family) since I don't think I will use the Den much anyway.
    • 这个设计不太好,第一,房间/空间都隔成长方条,不舒服。第二,现在厨房都需要有walk through pantry,出了车库就可以把东西放好,你的这个连个pantry都没有。第三,现在laundry都放在二楼,放一楼不方便。第三,房屋前半部分和后半部分只有一个小过道,太封闭。
      • 1. The house is rectangular in shape, bound by setback, I can't change that. 2. furnishing can be changed. I can certainly add pantry in the kitchen.
        3. laundry room it's preference. I even want to put it in basement (but after considering for resale, have to make comprise and put it in first floor). Again this is very personal preference so nothing to debate about.

        4. point taken. That's also my primary concern but again I am bound by side setback. I will sqeeze in between stairs and powder room/closet for one more feet and make the library 11 x 9 instead of 12 x 9.

        Front hall way is 2 meters which I think it is wide enough (I can fit a double door in). Also because it is open to living room, it will not feel tight.

        Only place it starts to feel tight is starting from the stairs so I will need to fix that.
    • 不喜欢,好多房子就这个格局。你设计房子做什么?能拿到政府的审批?
      • 好多房子就这个格局. Exactly! it is popular because it is functional and very simple. If you don't like it, it's personal preference but I would rather go with mainstream rather than exotic.
    • 能否牺牲一点LIVING ROOM和WINDOW,门向左边些,然后和过道作一FOYER(直达屋顶),FOYER有一STEP上过道(步步高升),两小风水问题迎刃而解。从车库进屋后,可否设计一个MUD ROOM?见过这样的结构。
      • Good suggestions...
        I thought about your first idea in my design. But as you said, it will only look nice when the foyer is big enough (ie. for a 60 feet frontage house it is a popuar design). For a 50 feet frontage house then I am sacrificing living room width (also brough up by you). Especially in Toronto, we can only put a 40 feet house on a 50 feet lot. Going to 42 feet I already need to apply for variance. After weighting both, I gave up that idea since I really want a wide living room. From exterior perspective, a wide living room make the house appears to be bigger as well.

        My garage is leading up to the laundry room, which is similar to mud room.
        • 被否决了。。。就不能直接点,非要假腥腥地赞扬,软刀子更疼。
          • I seriously thought about it when I first designed the house, after seeing some houses up North for 60 feet frontage lot which this design is very popular and I really like it.
            Another one is open to above family room (or living room). But again, this comes at the scrifice of smaller seond floor space. I drop this idea also since I'm working at 9 feet basement/10' main/9' second floor configuration which I think already provide enough height to the first floor.

            Design process is all about discussion/debates. And exchange ideas.

            There are two perspectives:

            1. First is personal preference, eg. laundry room in first/second floor, powder room against the side wall, etc, those ones there are nothing to debate.

            2. Something fundamentally wrong or unpopular among most people. Most people said Kitchen is too small, living room too long, corridor too narrow. I think those are excellent suggestions which I would improve upon. But again, I'm bound to have side setbacks which I cannot widen the house. So I have to sacrifice living/dining/den, to make other elements bigger.
            • NO WORRY. 我开玩笑的. 你的房,你作主. 你的DESIGN有理。
      • 走廊太深, 又窄, 格局老旧!
        • 不比楼主窄和深。。。冒着被斩的危险,再次进谏,如果楼主的房(门)是朝北的,阳光本就不灿烂,多一点窗少一点没大影响。LIVING和DINING也COMBINE了,小不了多少。。。。
          • yes main door is facing north.
        • There are not many ways to design 格局. Finishing/exterior can be more creative. 格局 is very limited by your bylaw set back limitations.
    • 我的...
      楼梯用L型比较不浪费地方,而且实用、安全, 成本也比较低

      厨房的炉子、冰箱和水池之间距离不要太远, 常在厨房鼓捣的人会有体会

      如果是我, 我会选择封闭式的厨房, 烧饭时关上几个门, 味道和油烟不会蔓延到其他房间、家具和电器上。


      洗衣房如果大一点会很实用, 我的理想的洗衣房:可以放缝纫机, 可以熨衣服, 有足够的地方、台面让我折叠衣服, 有一个鞋帽衣柜, 和一个Linen Closet。 如果做不到这些, 我宁愿不要洗衣房, 然后把洗衣机和干衣机设在厨房里built in, 有很多建筑商有这样的设计, 很实用。
    • 你的设计目前最大的问题是:楼梯,尺寸完全不成比例,普通楼梯3呎宽去掉扶手净宽2‘6“左右,city不会给你permit,
      • 对头,他那个楼梯一看就是顺便对付一个,这么窄的楼梯规范不允许,而且这么少的级数更本到不了二楼的高度,如果有个3D的软件,一看便知。
        • 他的3D的图上好像有十五、六级,但按其尺寸算下来,踏步的最宽处(墙边)才8吋左右,此处最小的坡度将近45度,越靠右边,坡度越大,快赶上登山了。再说,人不可能溜边走吧。
          • The stair was designed with 18 risers, 3 feet width on the riser (exclude handrail) at start and finish. In the middle, it ranges from 3 feet to 3 feet 2 inches.
            • 3尺太窄了,如果楼梯宽度在42"以下,就会看的很cheap,还有就是想楼上说的,为了凑级数,楼梯平面太小,很容易摔下去,估计不能满足code.
              • I can extend it to 4 feet but I need to increase the curve to avoid taking up corridor space.
                • 旋转楼梯就是比较占地方,也不太好设计,而且造价估计至少是直楼梯的两倍。如果房子前面(楼梯部分)有足够的open space,可以考虑,否则还是直楼梯好一些。
                  • Understood... I will push in my Den to make it 11x9 rather than 12x9 right now to make an extra feet for the corridor. And maybe push in half a feet for dining room since dining table are vertical anyway....
                • 不是楼梯的宽度够了就行,你要保证踏步的宽度要能放下一只脚 (10“),对于旋转楼梯,至少应该在楼梯宽度方向的中间要满足10”的踏步宽度。
                  • I know. The length of the staircase can be extended by not going with a true arc but lengthen towards the back. If you look at the picture in the house, it is also doing that. I don't know how to draw it yet. Too complicated for amature.
                    • 刚好有一图,你可以参考一下。
                      • Thanks this is very helpful. It appears the staircase is taking up 6 feet of space. If I make it deeper (ie. increase the length to compensate width), do you think I can squeeze in with 5 feet space?
                        • It depends on the floor height which you want.
                          Forgot to tell you, the floor height for this plan is 9'-11". The dimensions of the stair trades & risers are just comply with the O.B.C. requirements. If you lower down the floor height of your design, you can reduce the size.
                          • It's 10 feet. But I can make the stairs go deeper to increase the total length of the stairs. Just like there will be an up sectional and right sectional but instead of a 90 degree turn it is an arc turn type of idea.
                            • If the floor height is 10' and you want the stair within 5' wide, you should have a bearing wall under the stair(inner arch). And based on my calculation,
                              the max. number of the risers in the curve (almost half circle) is 13. You need at least 2 more straight risers after the curve to reach the second floor (the height of the riser is 8", maybe not comfortable for curve stair). That means the corridor on the second floor should be set back at least 20".
    • 楼主,楼梯别听他们的,旋转的好,去BASEMENT的也一起转,如果顶足够高的话,从二楼看下去,有深不可测的感觉,喊一嗓子,都有ECHO,非常爽。。。。。
      • 旋转是不错,不过有两个条件,第一要够尺寸,第二楼梯部分要上下open.
        • 不懂DESIGN,只看效果.你和楼主我都相信。。。。
          • 这个不需要懂design,不够尺寸,上不了楼,如果旋转楼梯不open而是用墙封住,这个就不是一般的难看。
            • I don't think so, 用墙封住 will be very nice if you put on wainscotting....
            • OPEN什么概念?应该有一面靠墙的。TW有这样的(下次替你留心,你可以看看难看不)。。。你是内行,我不是,只是外行的感觉而已。
              • open的意思就是二楼在楼梯及周围一块没有封上,这样才能体现旋转楼梯的美。旋转的就不容易靠墙,除非墙也是旋转的,这个就很不好设计。
                • Here you go. This one has very limited room as well... I think it is very nice... Very similar layout to the one I'm designing except probably the den/powder room area...
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                  • 要是我设计这个,就把那弧形的墙去掉,楼梯上方的open再开大一点,这样从上向下看要舒服一些,一楼的space也好安排一些
                    • I'm not too worried about the curve of the stairs. I can lengthen the inside curve by making the stair towards the back if you understand what I meant. Like a not true arc around a center point. If you look at the picture this house is doing the same.
                      This is more for illustration for now. Drawing the specific stairs are too difficult for amature like me...
                  • 照片上的楼梯间的宽度不会少于9呎,你的图才6呎半。
                    • Really? I think they have 18 x 18 inch tiles. And it is only 4 of them across....
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                      • 没看见楼梯对面的墙退进去一个走廊的宽度,至少有三呎。
                        • maybe I will squeeze a feet from dining room and a feet from den....
                • 这个符合OPEN吗?底气越来越不足。。。LINK里的图片。
        • 旋转楼梯华而不实, 特别是转到basement的, 夏天冷气都往basement 压, 楼上热, basement 冷
          • 看情况,华和实可以兼得(MONEY允许的话)。顶高,热气虽然都浪费在上面,大家还不是喜欢越高越好,问问哪些有12尺顶的,说起来嘴都是撇的。。。。
            • 12‘的房顶有两种情况,一是拱顶,这个现在在raised bi-level比较流行,几乎都会有。还有一种就是以前的高层商业用建筑改的公寓。
              • 说专业肯定说不过你,我SHUT UP。12尺顶有人门清的很。。。。
      • 图上的楼梯只能看到一楼,不可能open to below到basement。
        • That's right. Not enough room...
          • 又否决了。。。。。那转不转你决定吧。。。。
            • It will turn but it can't turn at full circle. Not enough room... So second floor can only see the first floor... Lots of constraints down to one problem, I don't have enough frontage. If 60 feet lot, all these headaches go away!
    • 整个设计最吸引人的就是两部车。
      • +1
      • 做建筑设计的,有大把的图库,在网上可能就可以找到。
    • laundry room需要向下走的楼梯,要比主楼层低一个台阶以上。同理,厕所也要低一点儿,对于有很多水管的地方,grading还是需要的。但是,你的den难道也一起低一些吗?另外去车库也需要台阶的
      • I know I know... on my 3D you will realize I haven't draw the floor yet. So my first floor is actually floating on air... Those things are a bit difficult since I'm still learning.. Step by step lar....
        • 因为台阶还要占空间,所以最好先画上。免得以后,下了台阶就没地方走了
      • sunken floor不是必须得要,有会好一点。去garage的台阶,要视其车库地面的高度而定。车库地面到室内地面的高差有6吋就可以了。
    • 还有,最下面的两个边,living room和车库门,最好高低拉开一点儿距离。这样正面看的时候,有立体感。不是整个房子就在同一个平面上,那样可能不大好看。另外,你的porch打算做成什么样的?
      • It is.... The first floor will be 4 feet off the ground. Again, right now I'm focus on the layout... then I will need to work on elevation....(which is more difficult since I'm still learning)...
        • 我是说从图上看,上下来开距离。实际上,就是前后拉开距离。从正面看,有主有次,有层次,不单调
          • Not on a 2D sketches (builder use dotted line to highlight but still don't visually tell you how much). After I add the floor to my first floor and garage, the 3D graphs will reflect the offset in levels....
    • 建筑设计,应该从总体布局开始,道路,基地,红线位置,现有给水排水管道位置,建筑标高,与周围其他建筑和环境的结合。。。这些都要事先考虑周全。如果光是把平面图安排好了,其他总体规划不符合规范,以后还要修改。
      光看一楼平面图,总体还不错,但是没有标高(室外几个台阶进室内?车库如果跟室外同一个标高,车库也应该有几个台阶进laundry room )进入后院也没有开门,后院标高跟前院是否相同?




      • LZ 毕竟不是学土木工建的,这些大的因素不见得都考虑到。好多CODE的东西更是要注意。他现在还在 LEARN DRAFTING,所以这些可能还没到。STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMING, EXTERIOR DESIGN,ROOFING 哪个都重要。
        • 我觉得游牧说的对,车房不可能跟主层在一个平面上,而没有了标高线将来的管线如何走合适、合理都是问题,这些问题没有解决厨房、厕所的位置很有可能会大改,这个图就白画了。
          • 我同意你说的。我是说JEFF不是这行的,可能要花很多时间走些弯路。让他自己捣鼓捣鼓也是很有趣的。他自己说有一年时间,而且他很聪明的说。
            • 这个图交给专业设计师,是可以完成施工图纸,把它建起来的。个人认为,总体布局也没什么太大的问题,适当调整一下就可以了。自己最知道自己的需要和生活方式。我们能建议的只是技术上的可行性,理想和现实如何的平衡。
          • 而且这些图花不很多时间,现在还在很基础的 CONCEPTUAL 的层面上。基本是个 NEEDS 的堆积。
          • To clarify a few things:
            My drawings will include:

            1. detail scaled elevations, perspecive in 3D format Yes garage is 2 feet lower than first floor. It is already accounted for if I show it on the 3D view. Yes I know I need to add the stairs as well as actual floor. My first floor is actually floating because it is off ground and I haven't add the floor yet.

            2. detail scaled layout, also in 3D format, considering the height of each floor, ceiling, doors, windows, curve, wall etc, etc.

            3. Building exterior/interior look and furnishing.

            I will not include:

            1. Any mechanical/electrical/structural/plumbing design since it's simply beyond my ability and my purpose. At the end of the day those are hide behind the wall and I don't really care. The engineer can figure those out for me.

            To simplify above, I'm more like an designer, not an engineer.
            • 一楼总体布局没什么大问题。还有几点建议。
              1.建议把家具按比例画上去,这样自己就会对每个房间的大小和使用状况有感觉。比如dinning room目前为13尺宽,画完Dinning table 和buffet 后,就知道是不是宽了,还是窄了。这时候再对墙体的位置的移动,就有根据了。

              2. 周围环境非常重要,如果基地两边都是肩并肩的邻居,侧面设计成这么一根直线,没什么问题。花主要精力在正立面的设计上。如果邻居的房子离开你的住宅很远,你的侧立面和正立面要结合在一起设计。

              3. 二楼估计有不少厕所,位置的安排上要考虑周全,千万别落在主要房间的中间位置,特别是马桶的位置。虽然说给排水工程师会给你想办法,但是如果过多的转弯的话,以后就是个隐患。排完二楼的平面,肯定会对一楼的平面做相应的调整。
    • 我来发表一些专业意见:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1。我大致算了一下,整个面积超过2000尺,而宅地宽只有50尺。在50的lot上建4000尺的大号斯太过局措。你首先应该有个规划,究竟要盖多大的房子,够用就行。房子太大会增加很多不必要的费用,地税,空调,暖风等。整个的外形也可以设计得灵活一点,不必是一个方方的火柴盒。方盒子的外观很呆板,屋顶设计也很难出新意。建议车库突出(一楼部分),另一面退后。大门也可以凹进去一点。你在画平面的时候脑子里想的应该是空间效果,包括里面的使用空间和外面的门脸效果。

      2。前庭太窄。你是不是要做通天的foyer? 旋转楼梯,通天的前庭,上面弄个大吊灯,应该很气派。但是太窄就很难看,像一线天的感觉。你看楼梯对面的门开把整个过道都挡住了。建议考虑大厅的宽度不小于2米4。门口应该设一面镜子,下面是穿鞋的凳子。一家人出入最频繁的仍然是正门。

      3。厨房的布局应该把窗户那面墙留出来,L型的counter 在餐厅这一侧。对面的窗设计成bay window。餐厅通往厨房的门往楼梯那面靠。而且,餐厅的门应该是french door。厨房要设center island。这个岛是利用率最高的。平时吃早饭就在这个台子上吃。



      先发表这么多。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 1. 还要考虑 EASEMENTS。5. 可以考虑个游戏室,放个台球吾的。
      • 1. ok. 2. 50 frontage can only build 40 feet house (exl. main wall, -19 feet for garage), not practical to have 8 feet hallway. Mirror + those things yes we will have it.
        3. I've never seen bay window in kitchen. normally there will be a window above the sink. And also not sure whether I want a big door between kitchen and dining room. Both of these take away cabinet space.

        4. I need to balance. I'm trying to build a European style home. So need to balance practicality vs. luxury. I completely understand in a 4000 Sq Ft home some rooms are useless for Chinese. But I still need to have them. Yes there will be a fire place also in the family room.

        5. I need to re-arrange the Den/garage entrace. Most people already commented it and I agreed.
        • 你的图没有朝向。如果后院朝南,东的话后院一楼现在都用大窗户。厨房的水池上面一定有窗是老皇历了。你该去转一转现在出售的model homes。
          车库的设计也是灵活的。实际上,单车库,双车库都不是理想的使用空间。理想的车库使用空间要么1.5车库,要么2.5车库。你画的面包车都开不开门。太太们最烦开车进出那些狭小的空间。一方面车库内停车要宽敞,另一方面很多车库都兼做工具房木工房外加储藏室。如果为了前面的总宽度需要去申请缩短与相邻房子的间距(set back)也是值得的。车库与进厅之间的墙也是可以变的(或者给车库更多的空间,或者给进厅更宽的空间。木结构设计的最大好处之一就是布局可以灵活。

          You have long way to go on your design. Keep your mind open, or you would find that you are actually going nowhere.
    • 各位,这帖子我怎么越看越像设计答辩或图纸会审哪,再这样下去,这哥们该血压升高了。
      • JEFF 是见过大世面的,知道什么该取什么该弃。
      • 没事。杰夫有钱,盖个房子就跟小时候搭积木一样,玩一玩而已。
      • Hey that is how I learn and improve...
    • 房子建成这样,进门掉头就走.对于中国人,饭厅和客厅是浪费空间.对于西人,空间又不够开放.总之,不好用!
    • 典型的fast food房子,designed to sell,not designed to live,见正文
      从前到后(房子虽然面积很大,但住进去肯定觉得很小,wasted space和conflicting space 都有)
      2,Living room应该很少利用到
      3,Hall way:楼梯肯定是错的,首先太窄,太密,对于curved stair尤甚。这种楼梯虽然好看,却浪费了很多空间。两个closet门开的方向都挡着hall way,太不方便了。
      6,上边评论说你会放kitchen island,估计在kitchen中间,这样的话老婆肯定累死,因为working triangle太细长,range\fridge\sink之间真要跑步才行。
      7,这个屋子住下来,估计以后dining room都很少用到,因为就在你标的“早餐”位置那里可以摆下餐桌,为什么还要走去另一个space吃
    • I think you should get perfessional designer to do the work. Layout is very important. Can't save money on that.
      • Different opinions I have in this. Layout 90% is about personal preference. I can view 100's of housing plan designed by professional designers, but you might only like a few of them..
        Most people on Rolia does not like a long living + dining room. But I like it. And most of the custom built house in my area are built like. It's a popular plan so some people mus like it (like me). These are personal preference rather than something fundmentally wrong with the design.
    • 发表一点买房人的看法:


      • Yes Kitchen is facing south.
    • 那个衣橱(17)前后都开门,有创意。
    • 我现在的房子和这个很像(我的少个DEN),感觉不是开放结构,显得不大气,LIVING RM 里大的沙发都不好放。建议把楼梯挪到DEN的位置,把DEN挪到二楼/地下室,这样LIVING/DINING RM 就宽敞多了。
      • That's my primary concern and why I don't want to extend hallway further. Would you able to share how wide is your current living room (wall to wall) and how much more, in your experience, is sufficient?
    • hehe, 和我家的layout很像,orientation 和size都一样。也提几点吧:
      1. 把living room 右边的墙和dinning room对齐,这样foyer就有7。5‘到8’宽了。Foyer比living rm重要。
      2.拿掉closet17, 然后把garage的左上角弄成弧线型,和楼梯同弧线。这样楼梯可以是4‘宽,过道(Foyer-stair)还超过4’。
      3. 把Powder rm10移到closet6位置,然后把Den9的门开到den的左上角,再把closet6放在原来den9的门位并内置。这样的好处是:由于Powder10的移动, Kitchen 面积由于入口的改变大了一倍(我家的有350呯); Laundry and den的门口开阔的很多。
      • 另外楼上说得对,你的旋转楼梯画得not-to-scale,楼梯位要7.5‘x8'的空间。
    • 你的设计和Ballantry Lancaster model差不多,floor plan见链接,供你参考
    • 由大门的直通过道到达后门,这就犯了风水大忌:“穿心箭”,这是硬伤。
      • 风水问题还有LS提到的POWDER,楼梯等,但对不信风水的人,也无所谓。这个设计最大的优点是"没大问题",当然"没大问题"也意味着设计理念不够新。
        • 如果大胆一点,可以将LIVING RM和大门缩进一部分,改成PORCH,地下改成COLD RM,如此不但外观漂亮很多,也去掉了又窄又长的过道。
    • 不错, 好像你更适合建筑设计和绘图. 看上去相当专业, 象是样板间的设计.
    • 是否可以考虑把wash room, den 和楼梯放在现在左边living room的地方,把那些地方腾出来,和family room连在一起,厨房可能也会大些,这样里边的空间会很大,很好利用.现在的设计,living room在边上,估计就空着了,不会有人用.大门别缩进去
    • 能人
    • 哈哈,什么时候偷走了我家房子的平面图?