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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

(---1---) Deck/platform

Once upon a time,在那遥远(远离Toronto)的小山村,有一栋小木屋.一天,主人们决定在前后院里搭台子,铺砖子.工程从去年延续到今年.请看以下的纪念.如果看官们有高见,一定请留声.谢谢...

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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / (---1---) Deck/platform
    Once upon a time,在那遥远(远离Toronto)的小山村,有一栋小木屋.一天,主人们决定在前后院里搭台子,铺砖子.工程从去年延续到今年.请看以下的纪念.如果看官们有高见,一定请留声.谢谢...

    • Good Job!
    • (---2---)Sidewalk/Driveway

      • (---3---)Patio/Interlock

      • 你把草地去了,扩driveway,不需要申请政府permit吗?
        • same question
        • 从图上邻居的路可以看出,sidewalk和riveway原来就有,LZ只是把通往家门的水泥路改铺成interlock的了,不是把草地去了扩driveway。
          • Actually, all of "水泥路" are added by owners/constructors. And most of people in my neighbourhood just use them as part of diveways.
        • It all depends on your location/city, ratio of drivewy & front yard sizes, size of your garage, and number (side by side) of car(s) you want to park in.
          By the way, that's way I use term of "Sidewalk" mainly (it means that as long as I have no car parked in it, it is just "Sidewalk" :) )
        • 不用。住mississauga,我问过有关后院全铺砖和前院草地改花坛和铺砖。答复是:从节省能源的角度看,it's encouraged。但不排除每个城市有不同规定。
          • In my city, 40% of greens are necessary in front yard.
          • 多伦多肯定不行。当然,不排除很多人干了再说,“不知者无罪”嘛。再说,Building Permit 也要求的太严了一点。比如,按规定,“Build a garage, balcony or deck ” 需要申请许可,但我很少听说谁建deck申请的。
            google "When is a Building Permit required Toronto", one will see a full list.
      • 个人觉得你还不如把水泥地面留着,把沥青的driveway全换了呢
        • 水泥地面都是大家后做的(跟我们做"Sidewalk"一样).原带的只有沥青车道,车道旁都是草坪.
      • 不赞一个不行。最后在sidewalk与草地间还要加点啥吗?我家也想这么弄。
        • 只铺了"stone dusts"在"edgings"上,再放上些小的"鹅软石"在面上
    • 哥们儿,NB!
    • 我怎么什么也看不见?
      • 可能因为你没为你的叛徒行为写检讨书。
        • 将ID改成“我检讨”行不? :-)
      • Link
    • 楼主干得不错。
    • 两个柱脚下面怎么处理的?有做基础吗?
      • 灌了4英尺深的水泥柱(见图1&2))
    • 不错,能不能告知一下你的cost的明细?谢谢
      • Want to know too.
        • Roughly, 1): Patio/Plateform: $1000, including pressure treated woods, nails, screws, hinges, etc, but excluding truck rental, tool purchses and "pricelees time :)" etc.
          2): Sidewalk/Driveway & Patio: <=$3500, including Bricks, retaining wall blocks, 5/8" gravels, stone dusts, fabric filter clothes, edgings, and machine rentals etc...
          • 你用料过于讲究。其实PT Wood很便宜的,但是那些铁件很贵,能不用就不用。那两根桩子可以直接灌地下,省不少水泥,纸筒,和锚固铁件。
          • Great job. Thanks.