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Here is a solution:

What should I do if I have an existing structure made of CCA-treated wood?

If you have an existing structure (e.g. deck or playground equipment) made of CCA-treated wood, it is not necessary to remove the structure. To minimize exposure, use a penetrating oil-based wood-finishing sealant on the structure. Re-apply sealant every one or two years, depending on wear and weathering. This can help reduce the amount of arsenic released by as much as 90%. Consult your local hardware or building store for appropriate products.

Source: http://www.toronto.ca/health/factsheet_ptw.htm#04
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 真是超级郁闷呀!几个星期以来的汗水金钱时间全都白费了!累得腰酸背疼手脚都快断掉,全白费了,教训呀---后院种的菜不能吃啊.号召大家改种花吧.还有做DECK的,要小心不要用有毒的木材啊
    经过一整晚的RESEARCH,发现后院的FENCE是chromated copper arsenate. 加拿大80%以上的户外木料都是经过这种防腐处理的.附近的土壤会因此含砷,对人体有害.2003年底业界自愿停止销售家用CCA防腐处理木材.政府开始逐步拆除现有的PLAYGROUND中使用的此类木材-因为小孩用手摸过后有可能会将毒素带入口中.

    鉴定的方法:如果木头的颜色是带绿色的,不是自然的木头颜色,那就是经过chromated copper arsenate处理的. 我家的FENCE是2004年底装的,按理说那时候已经停止销售了.可我亲眼看见那是绿色木料,可见现在市场上还有卖的.
    • 不用太担心。没有那末严重。
      • 我家LD也这样说,搞的我左右为难.那些小苗可不便宜,再加上TOP SOIL,还有装饰的砖,也花了不少钱的,扔掉真的好可惜.
    • 果真如此吗?
    • 到底能不能吃种的菜?我妈种的菜就在绿篱笆旁边,。 种了一大队. 篱笆有十几年了.
      • 最好别吃吧.砷就是砒霜,长期小剂量会致癌.这个东西在土壤里好象不会随时间推移而消失的.
    • 我都不知道为啥那么多人喜欢种菜, 我家都是种花的,
      • 我都不知道为啥那么多人喜欢种花, 我家都是种菜的,
      • 来这的人真的很多都过得像个农民,什么都自己弄,不理解
        • 自己种菜是因为想吃更健康的食品.目前市场上的东西都是化肥+杀虫剂来的.我是想来一些真正的ORGANIC的蔬菜.没想到~~~~~~~~
        • 来这的人也有很多都过得像个暴发户,什么都不自己弄,不理解
        • 以种菜为生的是农民,以种菜为乐的不是...这有什么不理解的.
        • 一直想当农民,一直没几乎,现在终于有机会自耕自种,很好玩啊。
      • 花,菜都要种。不过老外是只种花的,人家的后院真漂亮。
        • HD, CT的菜苗都是卖给中国人的吗?
    • 请看链接for more information
      • 好像只是说2003年以后公共场合的cca被换掉了,好像没有说2003年以后部生产cca了
    • 谢谢。长知识了。
    • 谢谢提醒,我家正在换fence
    • 你可以把菜地移到离篱笆远一点的地方吧?
    • 能放个图片上来吗? 我怎么觉得没见过绿色的栅栏. 谢谢!
    • 有功夫在这郁闷,去HOMEDEPOT问一下,不就什么都搞定了。都是CA, 哪里有什么CCA。都多少年了。
      • 你是说现在的HD卖的绿篱笆没毒吗?
        • copper azole 吃一口肯定能死人
          • 所以还是有毒,不管是做DECK还是做FENCE还是要小心,特别是家里有小孩的。
    • 你说木头是绿色的,就是含CCA的,又说2003年商家就自愿不卖CCA了,但是朋友家去年做DECK,我看到木头是淡绿的,说是处理过的,防虫的,是HD买的木头.
    • 多谢!
      • Will my garden be affected by CCA-treated wood around it?
        CCA-treated wood used to fence gardens is not a significant source of arsenic. When soil is turned over in the garden, any arsenic that has leached into the soil is diluted. Research shows that plants absorb arsenic in small amounts.
        • 种花没问题.食用蔬菜?"Research shows that plants absorb arsenic in small amounts. "
    • HD is still selling greenish outdoor wood product. Is it legal?
      • 人家不是说了是商家自愿行为,不是法律要求
        • 这才是加拿大最奇怪的地方!明明是有毒的有害的,竟然n年都没有立法进行制止!就好像超市里的过期食品,法律不要求销售者保证所卖的食品没有过期,责任完全在购买则自己!有没有过期自己看。
      • Did you see this? Other treated wood products are now also available on the market (e.g., ACQ – Alkaline Copper Quaternary wood preservative). They too have a greenish tint which fades over time.
    • 后院种菜的都是农民, 招虫子, 赃死了. 我只种花, 装DECK, 甚至想请人盖个中国式的下棋亭, 再弄个流水的盆景,小桥流水, 多美啊, 夏天乘凉多爽啊, 在DECK上BBQ, PARTY什么的, 甚至泡妞也行啊,虽然我老了, 可以让客人们泡嘛.
      • “甚至泡妞也行啊,虽然我老了, 可以让客人们泡嘛”---向无私的、高尚的、伟大的共产主义战士zhenlei致敬!你简直就是当代白求恩呵!
    • Here is a solution:
      What should I do if I have an existing structure made of CCA-treated wood?

      If you have an existing structure (e.g. deck or playground equipment) made of CCA-treated wood, it is not necessary to remove the structure. To minimize exposure, use a penetrating oil-based wood-finishing sealant on the structure. Re-apply sealant every one or two years, depending on wear and weathering. This can help reduce the amount of arsenic released by as much as 90%. Consult your local hardware or building store for appropriate products.

      Source: http://www.toronto.ca/health/factsheet_ptw.htm#04
      • 但是埋到地里的那段栅栏没办法刷漆阿。就是那段木头因为潮湿才会有更多的毒素渗透到土里。
        • 埋到地里的那段栅栏是encase在水泥墩里。
    • 可以当花种嘛, 反正你们也不是为了吃,就是为了享受种菜的乐趣,嘿嘿.. 欣赏一下黄瓜花,西红柿花,也挺好看的
    • Will my garden be affected by CCA-treated wood around it?
      CCA-treated wood used to fence gardens is not a significant source of arsenic. When soil is turned over in the garden, any arsenic that has leached into the soil is diluted. Research shows that plants absorb arsenic in small amounts.
    • 看了这消息吓了一跳,赶紧去HD作了调查,结果是安全的。细节看下文。
      刚去HD撤下了fence board的标签,用上面提供的网址一查采用的是ACQ防腐技术(无砷的,就是没有砒霜)。主要成分是铜氧化物和铵基化合物,详细搜寻了一下也是不要和食物和饮用水直接接触的。具体的看下面的链接。
    • Here is the answer i received from government regarding how far should i plant vegitable from the wood. (I removed my name from the email).
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr. ,

      I have been asked to respond to your query regarding CCA-treated wood
      and vegetable gardens. The arsenic in CCA-treated wood will leach out
      into the soil. However, arsenic does not migrate very far laterally.
      One meter from the fence line should be a sufficient distance to avoid
      any influence of the arsenic leaching from the fence. This assumes that
      there is no elevated platform and therefore no potential influence of a
      "drip line".

      Additional precautions, should you wish, would be to line the garden
      with a plastic liner and/or seal the wood with a penetrating oil-based
      wood finishing sealant.

      I hope this answers your question. If you require clarification or have
      additional questions do not hesitate to call or email me (number noted

      Yours truly,

      Franca Ursitti, MSc.
      Research & Policy Analyst
      Peel Region - Public Health
      Environmental Health Division

      44 Peel Centre Drive
      Brampton, Ontario
      L6T 4B5

      Tel: 905-791-7800 ext. 2712
      Fax: 905-789-6330/905-789-0398
      email: franca.ursitti@peelregion.ca

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Region of Peel Web Site [mailto:webmaster@peelregion.ca]
      Sent: May 20, 2008 2:59 PM
      To: ZZG-PeelHealth
      Subject: CCA Treated Wood

      This email was sent by the following person. Please reply to them:

      Sender's Name: Sender's Email:

      The message was submitted through an Automated Email Service on Peel's
      Tue May 20 15:03:19 2008:


      If i suspect that my garden fence is using "CCA-Treated (Chromated
      Copper Arsenate) Wood" and i want to plant vegetibles in my garden, how
      far should i plant them from the fence to make it safe?
      thanks very much!

      --更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • It is very useful. Thanks for your information
    • 是否有一种仪器或方法来检测土壤,水果,蔬菜的有毒物质?
    • 刚去后院查了一下Fence, 是ACQ: Alkaline Copper Quaternary, 不是CCA, 不含砷。Fence是2005年做的。所以如果是比较新的fence,应该都是这种了。
      • How to tell if the fence is CCA or ACQ? Thanks!
        • 关注此问题。帮顶。
        • fence木头的头上,有一个小标签,上面有这方面的信息,以及厂家的名字。
          • 是写在木头上的吗?你说那是新fence吧? 回头察看一下我家的fence. 非常谢谢你提供的信息。
          • 我家的木栅栏已经有二十多年了,不知道还有没有毒?
            • up
    • 如何证明如果土壤里有CCA,水果,蔬菜就一定有有毒物质?